If I had to choose what type of stitching project was my favorite, I'd probably answer "Christmas stitching. . . especially Santas." And with SO many fun patterns and a seemingly often open invitation to go totally and enjoyably overboard with fibers and stitches, is it any wonder?. .
I had hoped to do a series of posts. . . a Santa a day throughout December, but found I didn't have that many. But I still will be posting photos of a series different versions of that jolly old elf between now and Christmas.
To start off, here is a photo of one of my three "big Santas". . .standing about 2 feet high, stitched mostly in cross stitch on 7 count fabric. I stitched this back in 1997 as I was getting back into stitching regularly after a pretty long absence.
Pattern: Cinnamon Stick Christmas XII
My Favorite Things