Another small section complete! A special hurrah since this is a section I've stewed about. In the original this little stem alternates -- sort of at random -- between ceylon stitch in gold and in ceylon stitch in green silk. But to my eye that looked really messy. . . so I've adapted again, and done the stem entirely in gold. I think it works OK.
Here's the stem in process . . . representing one afternoon's work:
And here is the completed stem. If you look carefully you can see that up towards the top -- near the second pear -- I switched between a 3 and 2 stitch width. Further down the stem as it widens out, the individual stitches become spaced a little further apart.
I do not have a very good photo of the original,but here's a sort of fuzzy picture of the stem in question. I think you can at least see how in my mind at least, the alternating green silk and gold creates a rather messy look.
Twisted Lazy Daisy for Flower Buds (and Hair)
13 hours ago