With little Leo complete, it's time to move on to another of my sea of UFOs. Near the top was Tricia Nguyen's goldwork masterclass. The most recent installment of instructions and background information was Month 14. . . while I had just completed Month 1. YIKES! So I stocked up on ink for my computer printer, dug out my sampler thus far (silk work done. . . but nothing else), and got to it.
Happily, the next couple of months' worth of lessons were not too taxing, so over the past week, I've managed to complete Months 2 and 3. (Each month, instructions are posted on new goldwork stitches plus an essay on the history complete with fabulous up-close research photos of key historic pieces.)
Here's the sampler with the Months 2 and 3 gold (and silver) stitches in place. As you can see in the picture, in some places the sample of goldwork is just worked rather randomly on the fabric. . . while in others the goldwork is incorporated into the silkwork motifs.
And here's my doodle cloth showing samples of the goldwork stitches (from L to R) chain stitch, twisted chain, heavy chain, four-legged and eight-legged spider stitches along with lengths of the two threads we're using. . . Benton and Johnson 371 (thicker) and 340 (thinner).
And here are several close-ups showing how the goldwork stitches fit into the larger motifs:
Four-legged spider stitches in geometric motif
Heavy chain stitch (in thinner thread) as spines of the leaves
Queen stitches in thinner gold as accents in geometric motif
So, I'm making progress! Yea! But Month 15 is due out later this week. . . so I better keep stitching before I fall back another month yet again.